01 enero 2008

Preload con porcentaje usando Javascript

Creáremos una barra "preload" como las creadas en flash, pero esta vez usando javascript lo que en teoría la aria mas rápida y de igual manera seria visto, bueno aquí les dejo el código completo

<title>Preload Image Page</title>

<script language="JavaScript1.1">
<!-- begin hiding

Preload Image With Update Bar Script (By Marcin Wojtowicz [one_spook@hotmail.com])
Submitted to and permission granted to Dynamicdrive.com to feature script in it's archive
For full source code to this script and 100's more, visit http://dynamicdrive.com

// You may modify the following:
var locationAfterPreload = "http://dynamicdrive.com" // URL of the page after preload finishes
var lengthOfPreloadBar = 150 // Length of preload bar (in pixels)
var heightOfPreloadBar = 15 // Height of preload bar (in pixels)
// Put the URLs of images that you want to preload below (as many as you want)
var yourImages = new Array("http://yourdomain.com/test1.gif","http://yourdomain.com/test2.gif")

// Do not modify anything beyond this point!
if (document.images) {
var dots = new Array()
dots[0] = new Image(1,1)
dots[0].src = "black.gif" // default preloadbar color (note: You can substitute it with your image, but it has to be 1x1 size)
dots[1] = new Image(1,1)
dots[1].src = "blue.gif" // color of bar as preloading progresses (same note as above)
var preImages = new Array(),coverage = Math.floor(lengthOfPreloadBar/yourImages.length),currCount = 0
var loaded = new Array(),i,covered,timerID
var leftOverWidth = lengthOfPreloadBar%coverage
function loadImages() {
for (i = 0; i < yourImages.length; i++) {
preImages[i] = new Image()
preImages[i].src = yourImages[i]
for (i = 0; i < preImages.length; i++) {
loaded[i] = false
function checkLoad() {
if (currCount == preImages.length) {
for (i = 0; i <= preImages.length; i++) {
if (loaded[i] == false && preImages[i].complete) {
loaded[i] = true
eval("document.img" + currCount + ".src=dots[1].src")
timerID = setTimeout("checkLoad()",10)
// end hiding -->


<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

<font size="4">Please be patient while some images<br>
are being preloaded...</font><p>
<script language="JavaScript1.1">
<!-- begin hiding
// It is recommended that you put a link to the target URL just in case if the visitor wants to skip preloading
// for some reason, or his browser doesn't support JavaScript image object.
if (document.images) {
var preloadBar = ''
for (i = 0; i < yourImages.length-1; i++) {
preloadBar += '<img src="' + dots[0].src + '" width="' + coverage + '" height="' + heightOfPreloadBar + '" name="img' + i + '" align="absmiddle">'
preloadBar += '<img src="' + dots[0].src + '" width="' + (leftOverWidth+coverage) + '" height="' + heightOfPreloadBar + '" name="img' + (yourImages.length-1) + '" align="absmiddle">'
document.write('<p><small><a href="javascript:window.location=locationAfterPreload">Skip Preloading</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href="http://dynamicdrive.com/">Script Credits</a></small></p>')
// end hiding -->

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